I started actual working in the construction industry at the age of thirteen, following my father around as he managed the construction of many of the buildings you’ll see around the Myrtle Beach area. I took notes, ran for coffee and learned. After college, I went to work for him and Jim Baldwin at J.O. Baldwin Construction and learned some more.
Dad, my brother Mitchell and I started our own construction business in 1988, which we ran until 2000. I decided to branch out into code enforcement at that time, serving for as the City Building Official for the City of North Myrtle Beach where I was responsible for the city’s code enforcement effort.
I returned to Baldwin Construction in 2008, serving as Chief Estimator, preparing cost estimates for proposed buildings. The financial crisis of 2008 hit and commercial construction, like every other kind, took a shot to the gut.
So, my little home inspection hobby became a real, full time, business, growing steadily out of the ruins! WIth the help of great realtors out there and word of mouth, my little inspection business is a busy one.
It beats the heck out of actually building stuff. <shudder>
David Livingston- SC RBI-2223